The Crying Rose: The Trilogy of the Rose (Volume 1) Read online

Page 14

  As they reached the living room, Sami released his hand. She held back, not retreating, but just standing there. Mark continued to the lamp on the table. Turning it on, he located the package. Holding the package, he turned to her. She spotted the package and frowned. She looked at him, as he pointed to the chair next to him.

  As Sami moved to the chair, Mark noticed Grandma Jo standing behind her with a confused expression on her face. He motioned for her to be silent, and to be seated on the couch. Grandma Jo complied, silently as instructed. When Sami got to the chair, she removed the afghan from her shoulders. Holding the afghan in her hands, she sat and concentrated on spreading it over her legs, taking her time. She is trying to delay the next move, Mark thought, but he let her set the pace. He stood there, gazing down at her.

  Sami sat back, placing her folded hands on her lap, and then she looked at Mark. The Queen is back, he thought. Okay, I’ll play. He knelt next to the chair, offering the package to Sami. She reached out with one regal hand and took the package, placing it on her lap. Mark watched her trace the name written on the label. “J.W. had such beautiful handwriting,” she remarked.

  Turning the package over and breaking the seal on the package’s tape, she removed the wrapping, taking extreme care not to harm the label and placed it on the table. The box itself was sealed. Mark noticed a note taped to the lid. Sami read the note, as he tried to turn his head to make out the writing. She noticed his attempt. “It says, ‘Dear J.W. and Sami’,” she began, trying now to keep her voice understandable. “We hope this finds you both in better condition than we were on our 10th anniversary. Enjoy! Our love to you both, Stacy.” She pushed the package toward Mark. “I can’t!” she cried. “I simply can’t.”

  Mark refused to take the package. “You must,” he remained firm.

  “Can’t you see this is killing me?” She tried to move the package out of her sight.

  “Sami, you have come this far, let’s finish this now,” he urged.

  She held her head with both hands trying to block out the pain she felt. “No, I can’t do it.”

  Mark hated to take the hard-nose position, but knew if he didn’t force her to confront the package’s contents at this time, there would be no end to her distress in sight. “Sami, you are not alone. I am here to protect you,” he stressed. “I will help you.” She stared at him for several moments, unsure as to how to trust him or his offer.

  Mark knew he was being blunt, but that it had to be done. His mind grasped for some approach that would reach her. The painting of the rose came to mind, and he smiled knowing this was the direction he needed. “The time is now, you know it as well as I. You can’t go on much longer holding back time. This is the last ‘chest’ that must be opened for you to complete your painting. Once the painting is completed, you will be able to move on to other blank canvasses to start anew. You are the artist; you hold the paintbrush; complete the painting now. Don’t leave it unfinished. Remember that even a completed painting can be hung to remind you of its beauty. It will never be out of your reach, always be there to view when you feel the need.” Sami dropped her hands to her lap, but her eyes never left his face during his plea to her.

  After several minutes, Mark noticed a change in Sami’s eyes. There was softness and clarity, but most importantly, there was determination. Without a word to him, she lowered her gaze to the box. With eagerness in her moves, she undid the tape and removed the lid.

  Inside the box, Mark saw two envelopes on top of, what appeared to be a photo album. Sami removed the two letters tenderly with one hand and the photo album with the other. Mark removed the empty box from her lap. Placing the album on her lap, she studied the two envelopes. Mark noticed that the two matching envelopes displayed the logo of the cruise ship, Sea Dragon. In the upper left-hand corner its cartoon mascot appeared to be waving.

  Sami glanced at Mark, searching for a place to begin and showed him the front sides of the envelopes. One was addressed to ‘My Beloved Princess’ and the other was to ‘My Knight in Shining Armor’. Mark gave her a nod, giving her his approval to open the envelopes.

  Sami looked from one to the other. “I remember what I wrote,” she began, placing the letter she wrote on top of the album. She opened J.W.’s letter. Mark started to back away to give her some privacy and time with the letter. He stopped when her attention turned from the letter to him. “Where are you going?” she asked, a frightened expression on her face.

  Not wanting to lie, Mark replied honestly. “Away, to give you some room. I won’t be far.”

  “No, please stay,” she begged, in the child-like voice. Mark nodded settling back in the spot next to her. Sami smiled her approval and refocused on the letter. Withdrawing several sheets of stationary from the envelope, she sat back and began to read the letter. Within seconds her eyes blurred with tears. Unable to read more, she handed the letter to Mark. “Please read to it me.”

  Knowing that Sami now had the courage to face the contents of ‘IT’, but lacked the control over her emotions, Mark decided to do as she asked. He reached for the outstretched letter. Adjusting his position to obtain better lighting, he began:

  “To My Beloved Wife,

  I do believe this is the toughest assignment I have ever experienced in my life. Ten minutes, of our hour, has passed and I find myself at a loss without you. I shared this feeling with Bill and he responded by laughing--not at the sentiment, but with the knowledge of once being in the same boat. Telling me it was the main reason, on our departure from you moments ago, that he turned downwind. He advised me to breathe deeply. Thinking he was crazy, I still did as he directed. Honey, I could smell you. I know it is you. Somehow the breeze is carrying your scent to me. I am finding it difficult to control your power over my body. I physically ache to have you in my arms. You are my life mate. Four short days ago, you said two words that are forever tattooed into my heart, “I do.”

  When you said, “Yes”, to my offer of marriage, I knew then that I was the luckiest man in the world, but when you spoke those two words, I knew that I was now whole. The hour is almost up. I find myself regretting wasting the first 10 minutes by being frightened to share my feelings with you. I’ll promise you now that I will never waste my time again. I vow from now on to always be open with you. I want to share everything with you, for you are my life mate, my love, but most importantly, my Lady.

  Happy 10th Anniversary, my love. J.W.”

  Mark refolded the letter, hearing the gentle sobbing of the two women in the room. His eyes watered also, personalizing the emotions expressed in this letter. He empathized with J.W., for he, too, knew the power that a woman could hold on a man, how her scent could affect a man. He envied J.W. for his guts in verbalizing his need of her. Mark handed Sami the letter.

  Sami held the letter to her chest. Her large, saucer-shaped eyes looked at him revealing her pain. Mark knew that her expression was a good sign, indicating that the healing was beginning. Her mind was accepting the loss. Her tears were cleansing her soul.

  Without taking her eyes off him, Sami held out the other envelope. He hesitated, his stomach churned with fear, knowing that the one she offered was her written thought to her then newly-wed husband. He reached for the envelope wondering why his body was reacting this way. That’s strange, he thought as he stared at the envelope, I had no problem in reading J.W.’s letter. Why can’t I bring myself to read hers? Mark turned back to Sami, his feelings written on his face, pleading with her silently to not put him through this torture that he was experiencing. She was too lost in memories to read his thoughts correctly. She smiled at him, reading other meanings into his expression. He braced himself knowing that he had to bite the bullet.

  With more force than he intended, he ripped open the envelope, withdrew the letter and turned his focus to each word.

  “My dearest Knight,

  I can still see us on our first date, dancing to our song, ‘Lady’. The words, of the song, sink in as you carry me
away forever in your arms. I knew, in my heart that from then on, you were the one I wanted to wake up next to for the rest of my life. Your face was the one that I wanted to greet every morning.

  You would be the father of my children. I still get a chill as I recall your words whispered to me on that dance floor, “Our kids will be cute.” I believe you knew then that our search was ended. I thank God everyday for showing us the way to each other. Because He did bring you to me, I know, deep in my heart, that this is true, for I asked Him to bring me you. With my father’s poor health, I prayed for your arms to be around me when his time was near. Then six months before his passing, you were there. For you see, dear, you are my destiny. I love you from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. My whole being belongs to you.

  You are my love, my knight in shining armor. I love you, Sami.”

  Mark felt the tears flowing down his face. He had difficulty finishing the letter, but completed it knowing that it had to be done. He glanced at Sami noting that her eyes were not frightened anymore. Her expression was peaceful, sort of resigned, as if the battle within her was finally over. She’s ready to pick up her life again and to join the world of the living, Mark thought as he smiled. Replacing the letter back into the envelope, he handed it to her. She added it to the other one still held against her chest.

  Sami’s eyes found his and she smiled her thanks. Looking down, she focused on the photo album and opened the cover. A small, barely audible laugh reached Mark as she turned the pages studying at the photographs and reminiscing.


  NOVELS by B.A. Beers:


  The Dr. Mark Stevens’ Chronicles:

  The Trilogy of the Rose

  The Crying Rose

  In Full Bloom, the sequel to The Crying Rose

  Bouquet, the sequel to In Full Bloom

  Secret Writing


  Isle of the Four Kingdoms:

  Dragon Lady Trilogy:

  Book One: The Kingdom of the Seven Shields

  Book Two: Dragon Lady vs Lady Destiny

  Book Three: Whose Land?

  Coming in Winter of 2012, the next trilogy in the Isle of the Four Kingdoms will begin, featuring the Dragon Alliance’s continuing adventures.

  Read on for an excerpt from In Full Bloom, the sequel to The Crying Rose.


  B. A. Beers


  The arrival, by courier, of a small package shatters Mrs. Samantha Carter’s world. Her inner fear aids her inability to face the contents of the package alone. Seeking assistance requires her to contact her former therapist, Dr. Jon Peterson. The news of his recent retirement stuns her.

  Newcomer to the clinic, Dr. Mark Stevens, answers her cry for help. Unprepared with any type of case history of the patient, Mark finds himself being drawn into Sami’s world. Through his searching, he realizes that he has a fight on his hands that requires him to use all his experiences, skills and resources.

  Needing to penetrate the invisible wall surrounding her, Mark finds the key to enter her world. Once inside, he strengthens his bond with her by exploring her past. Now, armed with these insights into her past and her growing trust in him, they uncovered the hidden treasure held within the package.



  The pain of his cramping legs penetrated his awareness, making him suddenly realize that he had been kneeling in this position for some time. Settling his large frame to the floor to ease his discomfort, he kept his eyes on the brown-haired beauty before him, who was clutching two open envelopes against her chest. While he stretched out his legs, a yawn escaped him. Reaching up, he rubbed his eyes. He felt rather embarrassed that his body was betraying his fatigue. Running his fingers through his dark hair, he sheepishly glanced back at the woman, and noticed that his movement had been unseen. Her concentration was still focused on the pages of the photo album that was on her lap. She was, in fact, in a world all her own.

  Well, old boy, he thought to himself, this encounter is still in the infancy stage. You were able to take the first steps when she opened the package to reveal the two letters and the photo album she now clings to, but it is only a start. Watching her, he silently mapped out their next goal. Yes, it is their next goal, not just his goal for her; from now on, they were a team. Team, he liked the sound of it. It meant a partnership was formed and a mutual bond linked the two of them. For some reason, not recognized by him, his body began to tingle at the idea. Instead of fighting off the feeling, he closed his eyes and let the experience pass through him.

  When he reopened his eyes, they were met with a very red, swollen pair. He blushed, when he realized she may have witnessed his display of emotion. Smiling to cover his embarrassment, he hoped to have it returned, but was slightly disappointed when he noticed that she was not seeing him. She was lost in her memories. He knew this was a very good sign, but part of him wanted desperately to shake her, and bring her to the present leaving the past where it belonged. You are a hypocrite, he screamed to himself. You want from her what you can’t do yourself. He clenched his hands into fists then muttered a profanity under his breath.


  Grandma Jo was still sitting on the couch and observing them. She noticed Dr. Mark Stevens stretch out his long, 6’ 4”, frame while he yawned widely. Her heart went out to this man, who had, in the past year, become an important part of her life. Glancing at her watch, she realized that twenty-four hours had passed since the arrival of the package that had summoned them to this place. It didn’t seem possible that so much had happened in only one day’s time frame. The package had been the key that had brought Mark from the clinic to Sami Carter, a former patient, and subsequently her arrival, also. It had taken many hours to awaken Sami from her hypnotic trance, which was from the shock of the package’s arrival. Together, they had probed into her past, overcoming great difficulties unlocking the secrets to revive her. Sami, at times, had not been too cooperative. Grandma Jo, however, felt that she had obviously missed the crucial turning point last night when she fell asleep. Yet, seeing Sami now, with the contents of the package at hand, and knowing that finally they had gained some ground toward helping her, Grandma Jo felt relieved and sighed deeply.


  Mark jumped as a hand touched his shoulder. Quickly, he looked up at the owner of the hand, and instantly relaxed as he gazed into the comforting face of Grandma Jo. She recognized and understood the fatigue that she saw written on his face. She loved this boy, and knew that sleep was what he needed now. It was her turn to ‘step up to bat’ and take over, giving him time for the much-deserved rest he needed to recharge his body. She smiled down at him, and motioned with her head for him to follow her.

  Mark peered back at Sami to find her consumed with the photos again. Satisfied that she was fine for the moment, he rose to his feet.

  Sami caught his movement and looked up from the album. Mark thought that her features made her appear to be both extremely old and young at the same time. Her eyes locked on him. He grew anxious being on the receiving end of that look.

  “What?” he asked her quietly.

  Sami’s mind was screaming. Questions were bouncing around inside of her head. She found herself wanting so desperately to stop them, but found it hard to concentrate on one thought.

  Mark saw the struggle that she was experiencing by the rapid change in her expressions. He knew this expression. He had witnessed it before. All the fatigue that he had felt earlier fled from his body as he caught the sixth or seventh wind of the past 24 hours. Damn, he thought, she had fought hard and overcame hurdles. Yet, others loomed just under the surface.

  “Where are you going?” Sami cried out through the jumble in her mind.

  She’s trying to regain control of the situation again. Mark sighed. Part of him wanted to give in to her, let her control, but from all he had learned about her over the past, few hours made him rebel against this c
ontrol factor. He just knew that if he gave into her now, the baby steps forward that they had achieved together would skid to a halt, and possibly move backwards several large steps. He did not relish the prospect of a repeat performance that he had shared with her, except, maybe, the parts where she was tucked safely in his arms. At this thought, his body reacted to the memory of her body pressed close to him. Shaking his head, he knew that later he would have to devote serious time to study his attraction to her, but right now, she required his complete attention.

  Mark’s mind was racing, searching for a response that would answer her question, yet keep him in control. He came up with many suitable and several unsuitable replies. He weighed each one for the impact that it would evoke. He knew that Sami would need constant care for the next couple of days, weeks, months, or maybe possibly years. Her defenses were down and she was vulnerable at this time. He needed to come up with a game plan to ensure that she had adequate care. No, more than that, he needed top care for her. From his previous day’s search, he knew that the Centers, they referred patients to regularly, were not available. He knew that hospitals were out of the question, because she had divulged her fear of them. He racked his brain for an alternative. He scanned around the room in which he was now standing. It had been adequate surroundings for their short-term care, but for the long term, there was not enough room to house them all. It would take both, Grandma Jo and him, to accomplish his goals for Sami, and he needed a place that would meet all requirements.